
Apr 22, 2015

9 Years

On Monday, April 20th, it marked 9 Years since we lost Mark. (Randall's amazing dad)
A lot has happened in the past 9 years. 
At the time he left he had 3 grandchildren, now he has 14, with one on the way. 
All of his 4 children have grown and each of our lives have changed drastically. 
We've learned to live and are doing our best to teach our kids as much as we can about him and the life he led.  It amazes me how time seems to happen whether we want it to or not. 

Although it sure doesn't feel like it has been 9 years, it does seem like an eternity since we heard his contagious laugh. 

I'm feeling very thankful for the knowledge of the the Atonement and the promise that we can be together again as a family. I can't wait for that sweet reunion. 

I'm pretty sure he's anxiously awaiting it as well. 

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