We are finally moved and settled! It only took a few days for the Internet company to get our internet up and going- I was a little stir crazy without it! I may have went to town a few to many times to take advantage of free wifi! (So ridiculous!)
The move was pretty stressful, but we were blessed to have tons of help on the day of and it went pretty smooth. Now I am just really grateful its all over with! I find myself sitting and feeling really lazy, its amazing to feel like I have nothing to do! Im taking full advantage of it!
Im still dealing with morning/afternoon/night sickness,but it seems to be getting better each day. My doctor gave me a new prescription to help with the nausea and vomiting- I feel like a new person on days that it works, however I still have bad days every now and then. I am also starting to feel very pregnant! My clothes are tight and my back is starting to ache! Its amazing how fast it has started- Im only 13 weeks and I feel like I need to buy maternity pants! Thank heavens for leggings and maxi dresses!
As for Easter this year, we took it pretty easy, considering that it was our last weekend before the move! The kids woke up to find the Easter bunny had stopped by with a little gift for each of them, which was a miracle in itself! (The Bunny may have left that to the very last moment!)
Then we did get the kids to Menan bright and early to the Easter Egg hunt, our favorite. Im not sure why, but it wasn't busy and the kids got LOADS of goodies. They were so excited about it.
This little Miss is obsessed with playdoh and bubbles, she was in heaven and immediately started playing with her goods.
We met up with the Hammer's and my sisters family at the Hunt. (I don't know who the boy in the blue is! He just joined in for the picture! Ha!)
Afterwards we went to Rexburg and spent the day at my parents, my mom had a egg hunt for the kids, made a big dinner, and we spent the entire day running around with cousins. Randall and I did leave for a few hours to get some packing done- although I didn't do much! I may have taken a nap- but I don't really feel bad about that now!
Then Sunday we spent the day watching Conference at Grandma Cody's. She also had tons of fun activities for the kids and spoiled them rotten. We had a amazing dinner and I ended up spending most of the afternoon napping- it wasn't a good day and I was sick during most of the festivities! Hence no pictures! But my kids had a great time and are still talking about dying eggs- something I dread doing every year!!
I love Easter.
I love the spring weather and how everything seems new and fresh.
We have been through a lot of changes the last few weeks and Im excited about what is to come. For now we are just taking each day as it comes and enjoying spending the days together before the madness begins!
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