The last few weeks I've taken a break from most of my responsibilities!!
I make a point to get up and spend a few hours in the morning painting clients furniture, then if I'm lucky I'd throw in a load of laundry, but for the most part I haven't done a whole lot of anything else! (Ok- my kids aren't starving and have taken a few baths and my house is somewhat presentable! But I on the other hand have been wearing sweats and my favorite t-shirt for several days now!!)
What have I been doing? Watching all 5 Seasons of this...
It is amazing.
My mom and sister have been telling me for months- maybe years- that I need to watch it! I just kept putting it off and thinking that it wasn't for me! My entire extended family seemed to be IN LOVE with this show! Everyone but me! Over Christmas break it was all I heard about!! So I decided that I would see what all the fuss was about and watch a few episodes.
After the first 2- I was hooked!
The set design, the costumes, the traditions, the language, the drama! All of it!!
I feel as if I might have been born in the wrong era!
I watched all 5 season pretty much back to back at any free chance I had! I stayed up WAY to late most nights watching- then spent the rest of the night restless because my mind wouldn't stop thinking about it! It's taken over my life!
I also cried WAY to much over a fictional show!! But it's that good. Oh Matthew!
Anyway, my husband even likes it and will watch most episodes with me- but I'm not patient enough to wait for him to get home, so I ended up watching majority of it by myself! Then filled him in later!
I just watched the final episode on Saturday- and feel it might be Eternity before then next Season starts!
It's a problem!
So there you go.
This Valentines day I confess my love to Downton Abbey.
If you havent watched it- watch out! Your life is about to be taken over by this!
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