That is how I would probably describe the last few weeks around here.
I think we are all happy to say that February is almost over! It's been a rough few weeks for us!
The Good:
- On Valentines Day the Man blind folded me and completely surprised me with a lovely dinner set up in the middle of our property complete with Olive Garden and candlelight. I was shocked! It ended with some dancing and even a movie date. It was very thoughtful of him and the first time he has ever done anything like that before.
- 4 day weekends! We went swimming in Jackson, spend all day Saturday in town with my parents and sisters family, and then drove to Logan to see my sweet Nephew and his parents for a few hours on Monday. After wards we stopped at Lava Hot Springs and sat in the hot pools for a while. But the best was just being with The Man for 4 whole days, I like having him around so much.
- A new family member: AKA Bruno. My mom got a new puppy and we love that we can go play with him whenever we get a chance. Mack is in heaven and adores him, he is pretty sweet.
- We have shown our home a lot in the last few weeks- like almost every day! (However, it does get old and completely exhausting!) Crossing our fingers for a offer soon!
- Carmen mastered tying her shoes... a huge accomplishment for her!
- Leighton refuses most days to let me even brush her thick hair! This week she actually asked for it to be braided because she wanted it to "Wook wike Emmys bwaid!"
- This Weather! I mean 60+ degrees in February! We will take it! The kids are loving being able to run around outside and I like being able to work in the garage without all my heaters blasting!
The Bad:
- Our Washer AND Dryer decided to die over the same weekend. Note to self: Never buy front load washer and dryers again! It is pretty embarrassing having to ask neighbors if you can use their dryer for a few loads!! (Especially when they fold and bring the load back to you when its done!!)
- After suffering for a week with terrible stomach pains and other painful issues I finally went to a specialist, I thought for sure I would have to have my gallbladder taken out, to my surprise it was a completely different issue all together. After a day at the hospital getting a bunch of tests done and blood drawn they found I had a colon infection called C-diff. It was miserable. I wanted to die. Surprisingly it was all caused from a antibiotic I was on a few months ago for my jaw infection that was cause from my Root Canal. Ya. Thank heavens for great neighbors and family that came to my rescue taking my kids and making meals, I am slowly getting feeling better and only one more week on some meds to hopefully clear it all up. It was a long hard week. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
- The hardest part of the past week was watching my husbands extended family suffer through a loss of their son/grandson/nephew in a terrific car accident. He was only 23 years old and brought so much happiness to so many people. The funeral was a great tribute to such a young man, but my heart ached for his parents. I came home and hugged my babies a little tighter, and Thanked my Heavenly Father for the knowledge we have of Eternal families.
The Ugly:
- Mack had a gross wart removed from his left pinky this week, it was hard to watch them freeze it, but harder to watch him try to be so brave. The thing has blistered up and hopefully will fall off soon- but for now I can hardly look at it without feeling squeamish. I don't handle things like this very well.
- Koala bears. Yes, they creep me out! Mack is doing a school project on them and we have been working on making his presentation board- every picture he picks of koalas freak me out! I really can't describe how it makes me feel, Im glad they don't live anywhere around here!
Today we have another showing for the home, a lunch date with my favorite person, and hopefully some furniture to deliver tonight! This week is already starting off much better than last.
1 comment:
Our washer broke too! Although we didn't have a front loading one. I know they are all 'energy efficient' and everything. But I honestly feel like nothing cleans better than an agitator.
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