
May 6, 2015

Cinco De Mayo Day!

On May 5th Mack had his Cinco de mayo Program! He was so nervous, but so excited to perform for his entire school. Mack is in the Jefferson County Spanish Immersion program and each year they put on a end of the year program for the other students. It was fun to watch all the kids interact and show off what they have learned and I loved watching him dance on stage- he is just so dang cute!

His partner was the cutest girl named Tatum, my friend Amber (Bybee) Walkers daughter! She was so cute! When I asked how it was dancing with her he said, "She's really nice." This kid has a way with the ladies! Wink Wink!
Mack was on the stage right in the center- he did a great job shaking his little booty and proved to be a great little dancer! I loved every second!

I was a pretty proud momma, Mack is such a great kid and everything he does he gives 110%. His teachers did a great job organizing the program and we had a lot of fun watching all the kids perform. 

Later that night I tried to spice things up and  have a little Mexican dinner- that's about as festive as I got! Mack thought it was all pretty cool, he kept talking in Spanish thinking he was so funny because none of us could understand him! Im sure he will always use that skill to his advantage! I just so thankful he has this opportunity!

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