On August 8th, 2015 we were able to get together as family for Mack's special day. He chose to baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We couldn't be prouder.
Mack has anxiously awaited this day for the past few years, after watching his older cousins be baptized he couldn't wait for his turn!
Mack had his dad baptize him and then was Confirmed as well by his dad.
We had almost all of our family there as well as a lot of friends! The room was full- and I have some serious regret that I didn't take more pictures!! I didn't even get a family picture! I'm so sad.
I only took a few candids as we were about to start and then when we started eating, but no group pics. So sad.
Anyway, Mack asked his Uncle Clint to talk on Baptism, and his Grandpa Kunz to talk on the Holy Ghost, both did such a great job, it was a special meeting and the Spirt was so strong. And all of Mack's cousins sang "When I am Baptized."
Because the Baptism was at 9am, we decided to do a brunch afterwards in the cultural hall. I had a girl from BYU-I make these cookies for the kids. Aren't they the cutest! They were amazing! You can find her at https://www.facebook.com/SweetLaneTreatsIF, she was so great to work with and can pretty much make Anything!!

We also had breakfast casserole, yogurt and fruit, granola, and muffins.
When I asked Mack what his favorite part of the day was he said "Getting dunked!" He said he was so surprised the water was warm! He also liked just being with his friends and family all day.
Mack is such a sweet little man and I'm so thankful for all the great examples of Honorable Priesthood holders that he has in his life. He is a also a great examples to his siblings and younger cousins, we are all pretty proud of him.
It was a special day.
I still can't believe he is 8!
I did get out a few weeks before and take some Baptism pictures of this cute little mug!
At 8 Mack is very obedient, he tries so hard to Choose the right. He loves to go to Primary and especially loves Singing Time. Mack is a great example and teaches me so much everyday.
Congratulations Mack! So proud of you, you're such a good example and such a good boy! Also good job momma for raising such a good boy!
How cute is he! Looks like it was a great day Mack!
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