So, school started a few weeks ago!! I always tell myself that I can't behind on blogging because it will be to overwhelming to catch up- I may have got a little behind! But Im determined to catch up!
This summer was a rough one: between living in town in the Rental, a hard pregnancy, primary callings, entertaining the kids, and building our home we have been really busy. My life has felt so unsettled and up in the air, it has been a emotional rollercoaster! In some ways I feel like we blinked and summer was over, I mean we only made it to Rigby Lake 2 times! What?!! In other ways- it felt like it was the longest summer ever!!
My kids have been troopers, they seem to be pretty understanding with the condition I have been in and don't ask for much. I feel like because we don't really have neighbors or know anyone around us they have really bonded as siblings. They really haven't had a choice in the matter! In a way it has been wonderful, they get along (most of the time) they've had to use their imaginations and play together, and most of the time they are content just being around home. Sure, there are days were we went stir crazy and had to get out- thank heavens Grandma's house is close and so is Target! We looked forward to weekends were we could be with dad and spend time doing something other than hanging around the house or running errands. But I feel like we are all a little relieved that summer has come and gone- it only means we are that much closer to moving into our new home and bringing home baby brother!
We can't wait!
Anyway, school.
Mack started 3rd grade and now goes to the "big" elementary school that is across the street from Carmen, who is in 1st grade! (Jefferson school district is huge so k-5 is split into 2 elementary schools. K-2 in Jefferson and 3-5 in Farnsworth.) I struggle with the separation, but can't do much about it so we just do what we are told!
Mack is still doing the Spanish Immersion program and is doing great, he excels in school and loves every minute. His teachers are Mr. Larson and Mrs. Greno (his Spanish teacher) she is from Argentina and it is her first year teaching here, so far she was been great and I can already see improvement in his Spanish. He was super nervous on the first day to get lockers and be the youngest again in a great big school, but after a few days he has adjusted just fine! I feel like he has already grown up so much this year, he pretty much gets up and gets himself ready and doesn't say much- I however will be very happy to not have to drive them to and pick them up from school everyday!
Carmen is in Mrs. Arneson's class and adores her teacher. We were so excited to get her this year! She is wonderful and has so much love for these kids. However, Carmen struggled the first week, she would cry and cling to me each morning as I dropped her off. After some serious conversations we learned she was just having a hard time being away from me for so long and had some homesickness while she was gone! Going a full day was a huge adjustment for her! But we talked a lot about it and now, 2 weeks in, she is doing much better. She loves that she gets to have lunch at the school and 3 recesses! When I asked her what her favorite part about 1st grade was her response was, "The new clothes!" She is 6 ! She acts 16! She is all girl, and she loves picking out her outfits each day and getting ready. She is always the first one awake and ready to go- she has a hard time being quiet in the morning so once she is up, we all are up!
Having both of them gone all day, everyday, has been quite the adjustment for both Leighton and I. I find myself wandering and checking the clock a lot. Our house is a lot quieter and Leighton and I spend a lot of money eating out- why not right?! Don't be fooled- Leighton loves it! She loves having me to herself as well as all the toys in the house. She plays and watches shows and follows me wherever I go talking the whole time. I've loved having the one-on-one time with her, as well as, some much needed down time before the baby gets here.
Leighton also started Preschool this week with Mrs. Bird! She was anxiously awaiting her first day and was so excited to get to go. It is only 2 days a week for 2 hours so its just enough for her. She is pretty shy and doesn't say much during class, but she comes home all smiles and loves feeling like a big kid! Having her best friends in her class has really helped her adjust. Since she is a September baby I think she will do another year in Preschool before Kindergarten but I'm glad we started her this year, she needs the social part and to get over some separation anxiety she has!
(Leighton, Charlie, Leah, and Ashton)
So school is in session, our home is a.l.m.o.s.t. done (hoping for 2-3 weeks!), I was released from being Primary President :), baby is almost here, and the weather is already starting to feel like fall.
I love this time of year. Change is good, and we couldn't be more ready for things to settle down around here! (It's the calm before the storm I am sure!)
1 comment:
Ha ha I love Leighton in the pic at the top of all 3 of them. Just rolled out of bed while her sibs are getting ready to leave for school!
Such cute kids and I love it that April's little guy Ashton is in Leighton's preschool class!
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