Little Miss Leigh-leigh had her very first performance over the weekend! She was so EXCITED! I really thought she would get all shy and end up not doing anything but sucking her fingers- but she surprised us all and did so good!
They performed at a Ririe Boys Basketball game halftime- it was actually busier than I thought it would be! These girls were CRAZY right before they went on, I had to corner them all into a hallway and play games with them until it was time to go perform! Miss Amy had her hands full with another class so I did my best to help her out! 
We love Dance It with Miss Amy!
There are some days when driving to Rexburg each week almost makes me want to quit! But once we get there I'm always glad we made the switch. Both my girls have learned so much and I feel like they have done really well with the change, especially where they don't know any of the girls, it has been a great opportunity for them to branch out of their comfort zone. (And mine!)
Leighton loves dance and loves getting all dolled up, I may have bribed her all week to get things done by telling her she could wear makeup at her performance! Hey! Whatever works!!
She's pretty cute.
Next week Carmen gets her turn to perform!
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