
Feb 15, 2016

Real Life

Look at those kids! I asked them for a picture before church a few weeks ago and this is what they gave me! Oh my heart, It might be my favorite picture ever. 

Our lives have changed a lot over the past year and these four make every day worth it. Some days are challenging. Most days I am exhausted. But I know I'll look back and miss the craziness that we face each day. This is my least favorite time of year- to much fog and sick kids! I get really tired of the cloudy days! It makes me ornery!  I also hate that when one kid gets sick- we all get sick! It's not fun at all! #reallife

We started the sick season off with Mr Ridge fighting a yucking ear infection. He wasn't sleeping and cried most of the day, but once we took him to the doctor and got him on some antibiotic he did seem to get better pretty quick. I spent most of my days snuggling and kissing that sweet face.
Then Mack started to fever and sounded like he was going to cough up a lung! We made him take a few days off from school so he could get some much needed rest. He is doing much better and slowly getting his voice back! They spent a lot of time watching movies and the Disney channel! 
Carmen however woke up yesterday covered in hives! She also has had a yucky cough and we gave her some cough medicine the night before to help her sleep- well she had a allergic reaction to it! We did take her into the Dr. and he confirmed it was a drug allergy and could last up to a week! Great! I felt so bad for her, we have to keep giving her Benadryl so she has a hard time staying awake! She didnt complain or cry at all, she is a tough little thing! So our four day weekend ended up being pretty lazy and spending most of our time at home! I really need to get out of this house!! 

Knock on wood- Leighton is the only one who hasn't been sick at all! She is crazy, she is always getting into things (literally) and never stops jumping, running, and yelling! She seriously exhausts me!  But she does make me smile  and laugh and I love her spunky little personality. 

Mr. Ridge is doing much better! He has been all smiles the last few days and finally sleeping much better! He made a pretty cute Valentine! 
(He seems to be the only child that I take pictures of lately!)

I love this picture! I came into my room after throwing away one of his diapers and he was like this!! "How you doing?!!" He just hit his 4 month old mark and he is SO CHUBBY! He weighs 15 lbs and loves to eat. He also loves to be held (especially by me) and gives the best smiles and giggles! He loves to be swaddled for bed and wrapped up really tight! 

We did have our cousins over one day to play and these two fought/played the whole time! They are crazy and keep us laughing! 

 I'm ready for Spring! How about you?!! I can't wait to send these kids outside to play again and get some projects around the house done! 

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