
Mar 22, 2016


It's the End of March and I haven't made a post in over a month!! But I refuse to quit!! Every time I think that Blogging is to much I get that guilty feeling that I cannot quit!! Especially with a new baby, it's the only way I keep track of memories and store or record my pictures. So it's my personal goal to get back to regular posting! Ok. Rant over! ha!

Here is a little rundown of the past month: 

He is huge. At his Dr. appointment last week (5 months old) he weighed a whopping 17.5 lbs! He is in the 90th percentile! He is 26 inches long- 40th percentile. And his head is off the charts!! Ha!!

He loves to play with his feet and chews on everything. At only 3 months old he got his first tooth- and now at 5 months he has 2!! I can't believe that. He had a rough few months and I blame that on teething, he was pretty whinny and sleeping terribly. But now he is back to sleeping all night and taking a few naps a day. (yay!)

He loves me, I'm defiantly his favorite! He also gets really excited with he sees his Dad or brother and sisters. Strangers or people he doesn't recognize he gets super nervous and cries when they hold him. He is pretty shy and sweet most of the time. He HATES his carseat and cries when he is in it- this is horrible!! He isn't rolling over yet but close, and loves to be in his swing or jumper.

He is eating 6-8 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours, and sometimes more! He loves to eat! He has also discovered how to blow raspberry's, and thinks he is pretty funny!
I am obsessed with his cute little laugh and crooked smile! Recently he has started to give the saddest/cutest pouty face when he is upset or if someone yells "Mom," around him! It's our favorite!

She is a tough cookie!! And dont mean in a "sweet" way! She is going through a hard stage right now! She doesn't ever want to leave the house and throws fits all.the.time! I blame it on all the changes we have had in the last few months. She is always at my side and likes to help me do whatever I am doing.

She does make me laugh everyday and always says the funniest things, she is obsessed with our dog Bruno, being in Ridges face,  and loves everything "horses!"

I've said it before, and it still rings true, this girl is 6 going on 16! She acts WAY older than she actually is! She is loving school (1st grade) and is really becoming a great reader. She loves to dance and plays music all day long. She is constantly bossing everyone around and likes to be in charge! (Sounds familiar!) Carmen is great with Ridge and is such a great help when she is home. She also loves to go shopping and to town- I love that she loves to shop! And this month she lost her top 2 teeth- it was all very dramatic!

This kid is amazing, really, he is still the sweetest, most thoughtful kid I know. He is always concerned about others feelings and such a easy going personality. He loves to help me with Ridge and help his dad work or feed the cows. He has grown up so much in the last few months. He takes responsibilities very seriously and doesn't complain very often. He loves school and is doing amazing with Spanish. I wish I could take credit for him and his accomplishments- but I feel like its just him! He is so sweet and just does what he is asked! Now if only I could figure out how to get his sisters to be like him!!
He recently completed his 3rd Grade Science Fair project (or I did!) and did such a great job. It was fun to go to his school and see him interact with all the kids, he's like a celebrity at school, especially with the girls.

Randall and I: 
We celebrated our 13 year anniversary last week! Yay for us.
We took Ridge and went for the weekend to SLC. We went to a Jazz game Friday night and then did some shopping and went to a Flea Market the next day. Ridge did really well and we had a great time just being together and not really having anything planned. It was a much needed break for us both.

Although it was a good little trip, two crazy things happened to us: One, during the game I spilled Formula on the lady in front of us, it was so embarrassing! I wanted to crawl into a hole! She was nice about it, but more concerned that it was "breast milk" and not actual formula! I had to explain that it was just formula and she calmed right down. And then I died. 
And two,  we were shopping at City Creek mall and when we went back to our car there were 3 notes on the door, explaining that some truck had hit our car and ran! The people actually tried to chase him down and the security guard was waiting for us when we got back. It was nuts, the people got his license and everything and even left their own phone numbers for us to contact them! I couldn't believe it, there are still good people in the world! now we are just waiting to hear back from SLC Police department- thats never gonna happen! It was all a little crazy and made coming home not so bad! We realize we are defiantly country people! 
While we were gone the kids got to stay at Grandma Cody's one night, then Melinda's the next, they where thrilled! They loved having so much time with cousins.

Last month I also Launched my new business Agnes & Dora! We have been working on it all for the last few months and it is finally is up and running! It has been such a blessing to our little family and I absolutely love everything about it. It is a clothing company for Women, I sell skirts, leggings, tops, and dresses. It's been a great learning experience and I'm excited about how much it has grown in only a months time!

Randall is back into the full swing of work, we love winter months around here just for the fact that we get so see him more! But he is anxious to be working full time and really does love what he does. And I'm anxious to get some grass- this dirt yard is going to be the death of me!!

1 comment:

Beth Willmore said...

I love your little family and I can NOT believe that Ridge has 2 teeth! Give that boy some steak!

Yay for 13 years of marriage with you and your man, congratulations - you guys are awesome and an inspiration!

You're so fantastic and each of your kids are so funny on their own - and I feel like you deserve Leighton's drama to balance out Mack's steadiness! Ha ha!

Oh and yay for A&D - wahoo!

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