
Mar 30, 2015

March Madness

I feel that the title fits the last month of our life perfectly. Ironic?

I also have been anxious to get back to blogging! It was nice to take a little break but I feel like I've missed so much and have a ton to catch up on.

First things First: We SOLD our home!!

Yes, it was fast! We were showing it about 5 times a week and over the weekend of the 7th-9th we received 2 offers! The crazy part was the offers we got were the exact same, so we had to go back and ask the buyers for their best offer. Then again- they came back the exact same! So the 3rd time we went back with a counter of our full asking price, we then received offers from both parties, and one couple was significantly higher. We ended the bidding war and accepted on the final offer on the 12th! It was all very stressful and I had a few sleepless nights! So far the inspection and appraisal have been smooth sailing and we are set to move out and close the 15th of April. Phew! 

In the mean time... I found out I was pregnant. 
For real. In the middle of everything I realized I was late and nauseous all the time. My mother in law was kind enough to buy me a pregnancy test (No, I did not ask her to! Randall did! I was mortified!) But I took it anyway and it was positive before I was done! Surprise. 
Im due in October. 
and I may have cried. 
A lot. 

In the middle of that I was trying to recover from a colon infection (C-diff) and was miserable. I couldn't keep anything down and was dehydrated. After a long weekend of fevers and very uncomfortable nights I ended up in the ER at Madison Memorial. They hooked me up to a IV and made a appointment for me to go to a specialist in Idaho Falls. It was a long day but I was able to get the meds I needed and finally home to rest. My mom had the kids all day and took care of everything, it was amazing. I had ward members show up with meals and even take my kids while I rested, I couldn't have done it without such great people around me and am so glad its all over.  I haven't had much energy in the last few weeks and am glad to just survive most days! I don't do pregnancy very well- its torture! But I keep telling myself "It's the last time, this to shall pass!" 

Also on the 14th Randall and I celebrated our 12 year anniversary! We went to St. Anthony and ate at Chiz's- which I must say might be my most favorite place ever, then we headed to Island Park afterwards to spend the weekend at the Cabin.  It was pretty lame. I was seriously sick and slept pretty much the whole time (in-between puking my guts out!) Randall watched a lot of movies and took naps- I guess. I was out pretty much whole weekend and felt terrible! 
My mom saved the day and made sure the kids had their fair amount of Green on St. Patricks day, thank goodness because I couldn't even tell you what day of the week it was! 
I've spent a lot of time adjusting to being pregnant and sick all the time. My kids have been amazing, I think they just feel bad watching me puke all the time!! I try to stay  home as much as possible and do only as much as I can to survive! For me, its terrible! I like to be busy and get things done and not being able to do much is pretty depressing! But, Randall has been amazing and pretty much takes care of everything, including me. Im pretty thankful for him. 

We did spend a few days doing fun things! One weekend we were able to go to Grandma and Grandpa Kunz's and played with the cousins and rode horses. The weather has been absolutely amazing and the kids spent most of their time running wild outside getting a filthy as possible! 
I even braved the drive with my kids and went to Pocatello last week to watch my niece Linden perform at the Idaho State gymnastics meet. She did amazing and the kids loved just running around together. It felt good to get out of the house for a few hours, but I came home absolutely exhausted! 
We've started packing a little at a time and I hope in the next 2 weeks I can make a lot of progress. The kids have the whole week off for Spring Break so this week Ill be bribing them a lot with packing boxes in order to do something fun! Im hoping that works! 

This post has ended out being quite the downer!!
I guess that is real life- it can't always be great.
But Im really hoping that the worst is behind me and I can start feeling better.

It just always amazes me how we tend to do things All At Once around here!  I mean the timing on everything hasn't been ideal!

Now I better get to packing! (Or maybe Ill just take a nap.)


Dan and Jamie said...

Congrats on the baby! So sorry it happened in the middle of such a stressful time!

Rachel Burt said...

Congrats on a new baby and selling your home! What an eventful and stressful month, haha! Wish you the best!

Beth Willmore said...

Yay for selling the house, and YAY for the baby! I'm sorry about the sickness though! I'm just down the road, and I am an AWESOME box packer! ;)

Ben and Kari said...

So exciting! I am happy to help too or just take your kiddos for a while. Just let me know I can come right over :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on selling the house and the new baby!

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