
Apr 30, 2015

The Rental

We are finally feeling settled in our Summer Rental, I must say, I am doing much better than I thought I'd be! The house is great, the neighborhood is quiet, and we are literally steps from Grandma Cody's house. (And Wendy's, which is beginning to be a bad thing!) 

The house belongs to my Step-Father in law. It was built in the 70's and actually has a big open layout. Right now we are basically just living on the main floor- we only use the basement to cool down and watch tv, (the house does not have AC!) And it has already getting HOT! 
There is three good size bedrooms upstairs, and 2 bathrooms. (Plus more downstairs that we dont use.) The girls are sharing a room, and that seems to be working pretty good, and Mack is getting used to sleeping on the main level. He likes to be in the basement were the sun doesn't wake him up, or so he says. I like that we are all so close together and that it literally takes me 15 minutes to make beds and clean the rooms in the morning.  
We literally only brought our beds, dressers, clothes, and couches so the house is pretty sparse! But I like it and the kids have tons of room to dance and run around. And that it takes me literally a hour to deep clean it all! 

The worst part of the move has been having to drive the kids to school everyday- 3 times a day. It makes me nuts and I feel like Im constantly driving to and from the school. We leave at 8 and drop Mack and Carmen off, then I go pick Carmen up at 11:45, then come back. Then go again at 2:45 and get Mack. Leighton has struggled the most, she is my sleeper and cries almost every morning when I pick her up to put her in the car. She quit taking naps about a year ago, but after the last few weeks of dealing with her grumpy attitude Im thinking we might have to get back into the habit of naps. Ugh. Ill be really glad when school is out! 

Since moving in and getting settled I feel my life has simplified times a million! I don't have the anxiety that I had before and basically get bored really easy! I enjoy that the most important thing I have in the day is finishing laundry- or making dinner. It's been a good change. It has also been really great since this pregnancy has been so rough, I have been able to rest and the kids have also adjusted really well. They have really surprised me, they get along a lot better and spend a lot more time playing with each other- instead of running all over the neighborhood! 

For fun, we planted a garden, my first. The kids are over the moon excited, and I just hope something grows! I took the kids to the Nursery and let them pick out the seeds, Leighton picked pumpkins, Mack picked strawberries, and Carmen picked peas. We also got lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and some flowers just for fun.  So far the kids love picking the weeds and watering it each day- we will see how long it lasts! It is pretty relaxing to go out and work in the garden each morning. 

We also like to take evening walks around the neighborhood, or bike to Grandma's house. The kids love that she lives so close and we spend a lot of time running back and forth borrowing movies. Im sure as the weather gets hotter Ill be spending lots of time enjoying her AC! 
Besides just sitting outside enjoying the weather I do spend a lot of time scouring Pinterest making plans for our new home. Sometimes Pinterest completely overwhelms me! So.Many.good.ideas! But it is fun to dream right?! 

We have our house plans ready and are just getting things in order to start digging! Im learning that it's all pretty overwhelming and so expensive- one day at a time- I just have to tell myself that over and over! 

1 comment:

Kelcie said...

You are literally steps away from my moms house, we will need to get together next time I'm down there!

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