I remember thinking people in their 30's seemed old.
Now that I'm in my 30's I realize that age is just a number.
I still feel 20 most of the time- until I get around 20 year olds then I feel 30!
I have to be honest- I completely forgot about my birthday this year! Between moving and being so sick and everything else I just put it out of my thoughts. Each morning as I get the kids off to school I always sit down and check Facebook once they leave, I had a bunch of messages wishing me a Happy Birthday and that is when it hit me! It was actually my birthday! That is strange for me, usually I anticipate the day for days before! The rest of the day I was overwhelmed with the amount of love and kindness people showed- I had tons of messages, texts, phone calls- people are so nice. It really did make my day.
However, I did end up spending most of the day in bed- or over the thrown!! I was pretty sick and miserable and kept wishing I could just feel better!
About noon my Mother in law showed up and pretty much saved the day!! I couldn't keep anything down and I was feeling awful that I couldn't take care of my girls, she sent me to bed and took care of everything. I slept for a long time and finally got my body to rest. It was much needed and I am so thankful she was able to take the day off to help me, tender mercies.
That night I got my crap together and was able to go to dinner with my family and our friends to my favorite place Rigby's Gator Jacks. (Yes, its much better than Rexburgs!) The waitress spoiled us rotten and we had SO MUCH FOOD! It was delicious and it just felt good to get out for a bit.
Then that night Randall and the kid surprised me with a new dress and a gift card for a day at the spa- I can't wait to use it! I may have spoiled myself a little bit as well, birthdays are always a good excuse to buy yourself a few things!
So 31 is starting off a little different than I might have expected! I would have never thought Id be pregnant AGAIN or moving, or really any of the things that are going on! But whats another year?! I guess more than anything it was just a great reminder of all the great people I have in my life!
This year is already one Im anxious to finish!
1 comment:
Yay for birthdays. Glad your MIL came over and saved you so you could rest and get feeling better! Um those beignets look AMAZING and now I've drooled on my computer keyboard. Thanks for that!
You're as dead sexy at 31 as you were at 21, glad you got some fun presents and enjoyed the 2nd half of the day!
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