
May 29, 2015

It's A....

 I couldn't wait to get home after my appointment to tell the kids what we were having! I pulled up to these cute faces waiting anxiously! 

 My sister watched my girls while we went to the doctor and when I got home we did a little celebrating. For the most part the girls could have cared less... Mack, well he was so excited! He was grinning from ear to ear and just kept giggling. I can't wait for him to have a baby brother and we are all so excited to have another boy in the family! 
( Is it bad to say that I was so releived!! I was!)

As soon as the ultrasounds started we had a direct view that he was a HE! I screamed, "ITS A BOY!!" And grabbed Randall's hand! He as all smiles and couldn't wait to tell Mack. 
It was fun to see this little guy kicking and moving around. 

I'm excited to buy boy items and start making a quilt! I gotta keep my mind and hands busy over the long hot summer we are about to have!

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