
Dec 1, 2015

Ridge Richard

I'd like to write down all the feelings and emotions I had on the day Ridge was born, but I'm not sure I have to words to express those feelings. It was a hard delivery and a terrible pregnancy. I found out I had gestational diabetes halfway through and between monitoring my blood sugar levels 4-5 times a day, giving myself shots 2-3 times a day, and throwing up the entire 9 months- I did not enjoy it at all! It was considered a high-risk pregnancy so I had to go to Idaho Falls twice a week for NST tests (stress tests) and ultrasounds to check the growth and movement of the baby.  I spent most of my day in the car driving back and forth to the doctors office it felt like, and I got to know the nurses very well! My previous pregnancies were hard, but nothing compared to this one! I was also dealing with the terrible heat, making decisions on building our home, and living in the Rental all summer, along with trying to occupy the other 3 kids everyday- all day. I am grateful they were older so they could do somethings on their own, but that didn't help the guilt I felt when I couldn't take them to the lake or play outside with them. It was hard.

But we survived.
Thank heavens.
Here is the story- it's a long one!

I'm pretty sure I cried and prayed more during this pregnancy than I ever have in my life! My hormones were all over the place and most days it was difficult for me to do anything. Randall took over and did most of the house work and cooking, the kids learned to entertain themselves, and I had to let go of my OCD tendencies. Ahh!

My original due date was Oct. 22. but because he measured big and with the diabetes Dr. Leavitt told me I would deliver at 38 weeks most likely. He was right, I went into EIRMC on Oct. 9th, exactly 38 weeks. I had been in the office the day before for a NST and I wasn't feeling well. I had a headache and was really nauseous. Dr. Asay did my check up and told me to go home and rest and if my headache didn't go away to call right away. So I went home in tears and completely exhausted. I ended up going right to bed and my head still ached. At 4am the next day I woke up with it still and my left eye started aching. After trying to get up and walk around I started throwing up. We called Dr. Leavitt right away and he told us to get to the hospital as soon as we could. To be honest I don't remember calling my mom or my mother in law, I think Randall called my mom and had her come stay with our kids- but I'm not really sure!! All I know is I was so sick and threw up the entire drive to Idaho Falls. It was awful.

Once we arrived we went straight into Labor and Delivery and they got me gowned and hooked up to the monitors. Then the nurses (yes, plural! there was 5) tried getting an IV in my arm to start some fluid, I was pretty dehydrated. They couldn't get a vein to take the IV and it was torture! It took a while but once they got it in and fluids pumping I felt a little better.  They then were struggling to get the babies heart rate on the monitor, it was all over the place and he wasn't giving us much movement. So they started me on Pit right away and called for the epidural. It was about 10am at this point and I was having some contractions on and off. Cody and David stopped in before they were heading out of town and David and Randall were able to give me a Priesthood blessing. I immediately felt better once it was done, the peace I felt was incredible. (Again, I became very emotional!) I was able to rest for a few hours.

We waited a few more hours with no epidural and finally my sweet nurse informed me that the Anesthesiologist had been called into a emergency C-section, so it would be a while before he would make it. I didn't think much of of then because my contractions weren't to bad, I was dilated to a 4, but not progressing much. But that didnt last long and by 2 o'clock I was hurting! I was feeling everything and dilated to a 9! I seriously don't know why anyone would choose not to have a epidural! It was terrible!! At one point I told the nurse I wouldn't have the epidural because I knew I was close to me having the baby! She called Dr. Leavitt and started prepping the room. He then told her I had to get the epidural anyway if I still wanted to have my tubes tied. We choose to have my tubes tied during the pregnancy and I was still sure that I wanted it done, there was no way I could do this again! So because he would be taking me into surgery right after delivery I still had to get the epidural, even though I was ready to deliver!

Dr. Leavitt arrived about the same item the Anesthesiologist did, they got the epidural in and immediately started having me push. I only had to push for about 10 minutes and he was born! But I was thankful I didnt feel the pain even if it was only for a few minutes!

Once Ridge was born he came out very purple and not breathing. They laid him on my chest and I remember feeling completely relieved. But after only a few seconds a nurse quickly came and took him away.  I don't remember much after that, (I think I was in shock.) I do remember looking at Randall and seeing how worried he was. I learned later that Ridge stopped breathing and they had to do CPR and some other things on him and at one point he flat lined. The NICU Doctor came rushing in and between him and a bunch of nurses they were able to get him to breath on his own after a lot of chaos. It was 7 minutes. Those 7 minutes that felt like hours.

After everything checked out good they brought him to me to lay him on my chest before I went into surgery. I only held him for about 5 minutes and then I had to go. I was awake during the surgery, but couldn't feel anything, it was such a strange feeling. I won't go into detail, but there was a bit of a complication during the tubal that made it last longer than usual and caused me to loose a lot of blood.  Once they finished and I was  brought into the recovery room I felt extremely tired. They then brought the baby to me and it took everything for me to try and stay awake.

The first time I saw Ridge I remember noticing how big his hands were and how hairy his back was! I also noticed his eyes were blood shot, I guess during his delivery some blood vessels ruptured in his eyes due to the pressure, I was alarmed but I guess it is common and after about 2 weeks they did go away. He was quiet and only let out a small squeal. He weighted 8 lbs. 2 oz- Randall guessed right on! And he was 20 inches long.  It's pretty incredible how you can gain so much love for something you just met, it's like he has always been with us.

We ended up staying in the Hospital for the next 2 days, the recovery from the delivery wasn't so bad. In fact,  I feel like as far as that goes it was by far my easiest recovery. But the recovery from the tubal surgery was difficult. It caused me a lot of pain and the loss of blood left me very tired (and emotional!) Ridge took to nursing like a champ and he slept the entire time we were there. He was a angel baby and the nurses were so great to take him during the night so I could try and rest. I was pretty home sick those few days and got little sleep. I was anxious to get home and be with my family. They did come visit a couple times, but only for a few minutes due to the lack of space and because I was so lethargic! It was hard for me to not see anyone for those first few days.

Ridge came home to 3 siblings that are absolutely smitten by him, he also has been spoiled rotten by his Grandparents and extended family. They all took such good care of the other kids while I was out and I was so thankful that Randall was able to be with me the entire time I was in the hospital. (Except a few hours to go to Mack's last football game.) Hospitals are hard, I do not enjoy that part at all.

I'm so grateful to Randall. This delivery and pregnancy was really hard on him, he struggled seeing the baby go through so much in the beginning and then trying to help me during my recovery. He is such a amazing dad and it has been so great to see him with a new baby again, I couldn't ask for a better man. He has carried a tremendous weight on his shoulders this summer and I feel like he is just starting to be his old self again.

The next 6 weeks flew by. It has taken me a while to get back on my feet. Ridge has been a cryer since about 3 weeks old, we stay up crying together and bounce most nights. We are both a little better at understanding what each other needs and I am kind of getting his schedule figured out- if only his 4 year old sister would leave him alone during his naps!

When I found out I was pregnant I was completely overwhelmed! I didn't know how we would survive another pregnancy, another child, building a home, and moving! But we did. And now that it is over I can say I'm grateful to be done! I'm grateful we are still together as a family and that this year is almost over!! I'm grateful for modern medicine and great doctors. I'm also grateful for the power of prayer and my Heavenly Father. During those times when I felt the worst I always was left with peace, I always knew everything would be ok. One day at a time.

I still tell myself that every single day.

And now for a million pictures! My mom, Carmen,  and sister Melinda showed up just as he was born, I am so grateful my sister was able to grab the camera and take these pictures for me.

 When we were staying in the hospital Randall snuck out while I was sleeping, when I woke up I didnt know where he had gone. He came back a while later with a Sportsman's bag, inside was this little camo beanie and a matching onsie. I asked why he left, his reply "I couldnt stand to see him wearing that pink beanie any longer! I had to go find him a manly one!" If you know Randall then you know this is a big deal- he HATES shopping! He had been to several stores looking for just the right one! It was such a sweet thing for him to do and Ridge wore it the rest of our stay. (Our nurse may have developed a slight crush on Randall because of this sweet gesture, she wouldn't leave him alone after that!) 

Above is Uncle Richard who we named him after, and of course Bo Richard! These two boys will cause us lots of grey hairs in the future I am sure! 

 And now we are a family of 6. 

1 comment:

Beth Willmore said...

I am SO glad that it's over and he's here safe and sound and that you're safe again! What a scary/stressful pregnancy, and I'm so glad it's all ok. You're so amazing and I'm grateful for you in my life! Love your face!

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