
Dec 29, 2017

Starting a blog... again...


I've been thinking and praying and I feel like my head may burst with anxiety when I push "publish!" But I'm trying to be brave and vulnerable and I'm going to go with my gut this time! So I am starting this blog again, not like I used to do it, although I love reading my old entries, but instead writing about the "things" I love: projects I'm working on, home decor, and some great "before and afters!" Who doesn't love a good "before and after?"  I literally haven't blogged for years! My life has been pretty chaotic between my cute kids, crazy health,  and my past business endeavors,  I just haven't felt the desire to post or even read blogs for that matter! Although now I'm seriously regretting not writing down all the memories we made the past few years (good and bad)! It's amazing how fast time goes by and my heart aches when I realize how much my kids have grown since my last post! But I can't change that- but I can try and do better! Right?!

So here I go. Taking the leap and letting you into my personal life and home. After lots of encouragement from this handsome man and some great friends I think it is the right time for me to start something new here! (Deep breath!)

Anyway, I was married young (18!), I was naive and had so much growing up to do! We spent the first 5 years just the two of us, we bought a old broken home and put as much time, sweat, tears, and money into it as we could.  We loved that little home. It was tiny and old and perfect for the two of us. We learned a lot about each other and how strong we were when we had no other choice. We made big hard decisions and faced huge devistating loses. We ended up getting a offer to sale and sold that sweet home. But then we were homeless and had to quickly find a home! We also started the adoption process and in only a few months we found out we would be new parents.... actually the day we closed on the new home was the day our son was born! Life quickly changed, we had a new baby, a new home, a new neighborhood! With the newness of motherhood and bills to pay and stress to manage, someplace along the way I lost myself trying to survive! Motherhood has always been my greatest joy, but I'll be completely honest, it is really hard! The days of surviving can be long and exhausting, even though they are so rewarding and wonderful.  Most days it became a matter of just choosing which battle I was willing to fight and which one I was ok to loose! Anyone else?

Time kept moving and whether I liked it or not, things kept changing! We were surprised to learn that we were able to get pregnant on our own when our first child was only 15 months old! Then again 3 years later! With 3 kids under 5, I found myself completely overwhelmed! Those years I blogged about everything! I blogged about my hair, my kids, their activities, our families, anything really to just get my posts in everyday! I wanted to remember those days even though they were messy! Then after 10 years in that home on a culdesac we decided it was time to build "THE" home and make some changes again. We needed some space and room to breathe! That home built me, it was where I grew up, we brought home our babies, we made life long friendships, and discovered where we wanted to be forever. We bought 6 acres of untouched farmland about a half mile away (literally just down the road) and built "THE" home we dreamed of in the very middle of the property.

It's a simple, small white house in the county, (I would like to also state that we did this all white house before they were a "thing" and so many people thought we were crazy!) But it's ours and we are a little crazy. We planned every wall and every corner, every room and every closet. And again we moved in the week our 4th child was born! (I like to do things at the worst possible time apparently!!) And here we are 3 years later with 4 kids, a miniature pony, a cute dog, and finally feeling settled and ready to do this!

Don't get me wrong, I'm still developing and learning and grasping whatever I can about motherhood  and making this house a home. Everyday is different and thinking of the possibilities is all very exciting! But most importantly I just love pretty things! I don't know if there are rules because I don't really follow them, mosts of the time I'm totally winging it!!( Life, my eyeliner, parenting, all of it!)  This blog will be about all that, the whole process.  The direction and purpose of this will be a lot different than it used to be! I'm focusing more on things that make me excited- like Target, home decor, DIY,  Diet Coke, and pretty things- mixed with lots of family and the personal shiz that happens in our everyday life.

My main goal is to be as real and honest as possible. I want to show the process and not just the final result! I hope that along the way I'll continue to find that person that I lost when I was younger and maybe develop into the person that I feel I'm meant to be! Sounds so cliche right? ( Insert eyeroll here)

I'd love to have you join me- but more importantly I want to hear what you have to say! Leave me a comment, (not for ratings or likes or any of that stuff... I have no idea how that works!) but because I want to know you are here and what you have to say! I'd love your advice or encouragement or maybe just to know that I'm not alone in this!

There you go, I'm Annalee, a small town girl from Idaho who really likes to be at home... hence IdaHOMEgirl. I'm really a open book and this blog is just the beginning!

Nov 15, 2017

Under Construction!!! Stay tuned...

That's right!
I'm coming back to the blogging world! I've taken a few years off and I'm so excited to get back into the swing of it! It really is a hard habit to break once you've started! (Or a hard one to start once you've quit! 😏 )
I'm currently working on a new look and possibly a new name! (Trying to figure it all out again!)

A LOT has changed in my life the last year and a half- I feel like these past posts were a whole lifetime ago!  My main focus here will be home, family, and health... and when I say health I'm not talking fitness! Ha!! I'm talking more of a journal for my own health! If you know me then you know I was recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the ripe age of 33, it has been a huge learning experience and completely changed my way of life, but I hope to share more about that here, as well as, doing a better job at keeping up to date. I may even do a weekly home project or two!! I'm just excited to be back at it!

I'd love you to leave a comment if you still get updates here! Mainly because I just want to see if anyone still checks blogs! I have a few that I still follow, but want to hear if you have a personal favorite! Please share!

And Stay tuned... Ill be back soon! 💜

May 20, 2016

10 years...

If you have read my blog for very long than this post will look somewhat familiar. Every year on April 20th we go to the Annis Cemetery where Randall's dad, Mark is buried. He passed away 10 years ago from Bladder Cancer, he was old 54 years old and one of the greatest Men I have ever known. 
Ten years ago sounds like a long time, but it seems like it all just happened. Ten years went by faster than I ever imagined it would. 
Grandpa Mark passed away before he was able to meet majority of his grandchildren, at that time there was only 3, now there are 15. Each of them know him now and we talk about him as much as we can, but more than anything we just miss him. 

We send balloons to him on this day every year- rain, snow, wind, or shine. The kids love this tradition, as do I. I look forward to it every year. This year the weather was beautiful and for the first time ever the balloons floated straight up- instead of being blown in whatever direction, and we could see them for a long time! It was perfect. That blue sky was pretty amazing. 

This was Ridge's first time and he didn't know quite what to think about it! He sat there and watched the balloons the whole time without making a sound! I think he knew his grandpa pretty well before he came, and I think Mark had a hard time letting him come. I mean, how could he not!!

 I'm so thankful for this family I gained, my Mother-in-law is amazing, and I hope to be half the wife/mother/grandma she is to all of us.  I'm also most grateful for my husband, who reminds us all so much of his dad. 

May 12, 2016

Dance Recital 2016

 This year we made the change and drove to Rexburg 2 times a week for Leighton and Carmen's dance classes. It was totally worth the drive and they both improved so much. I really couldnt believe how great the recital was, I was pretty proud of them both.  I was also super emotional! (Weird!) I just couldn't get over how mature Carmen is getting and how beautiful of a dancer she is! And Leighton made us all laugh, she was not at all shy!! (Which is totally out of her character!) 
We love Miss Amy and Dance It and can't wait for next year! 

This was Leighton as we were waiting in line to get into the auditorium! Showing off her splits!! Nailed it!
 Randall & Mack brought the girls flowers and their grandparents, Aunt Melinda, and Emmy all came to watch. They loved all the attention.

 This one LOVES everything about getting all dolled up, she stares at herself in the mirror for hours! She is a born performer and Im surprised at how well she remembers the dances!

Carmen went onstage not feeling very well, she didn't smile the entire performance! :( But she still did a great job. Once it was over she left crying and crashed, she fell asleep for almost 14 hours. We ended up keeping her home from church and school the next few days because she was so sick. Poor thing. 

 This was at one of their performances, Carmen is a natural born dancer. Its all she does- all.day.long! She also received a "flexibility award" at the recital. I felt bad that she wasn't feeling well, she might have been a little more excited! 
 Growing up I always was in dance and traveled around for competitions, it makes me so happy that I have girls that LOVE to dance. I think Im more excited about their performances than they are!

May 11, 2016

7 Months

Baby Ridge is growing like a weed! He is by far by biggest baby and has the best rolls ever!
 He is 7 months, but still refuses to sleep! 
His new trick is to suck his bottom lip in like pictured above! It's my favorite and those legs!! 

I shouldn't complain about him not sleeping, he does sleep through the night from 8-6, but for the entire day he just takes a couple cat naps here and there, like 20 minutes max! It's torture!! I think the main problem is his sister- she can't keep her face, hands, feet- everything off him! He literally shutters when she comes towards him! And Im pretty sure I say "Leighton- leave him alone!" 100 times a day! 

At his 6 month checkup he weighed 19 lbs! He's a big boy! 
He also has 2 bottom teeth (which he got at 3 months old) and is just now starting to sit up pretty good. Still a little wobbly!
He is SUPER ticklish and has the best laugh. 
He rolls to one side- but hates being on his belly. 
He is constantly kicking his feet, they never stop moving! 
He has the cutest crooked smile, and always opens his mouth wide when he gets happy. 
He still struggles with "stranger danger" and pretty much just likes me or his dad to hold him. He will cry when almost anyone else tries! 
He loves his siblings and gets excited and kicks his feet when they get home. They can make him laugh better than anyone. 
He loves to be outside and will sit in his stroller and watch forever!
 He also loves to be in his highchair and watches me do whatever I'm doing. 
He just recently started to eat baby food and does pretty good, although I do hate it! But he loves oatmeal the best. 
We still have to either hold him or put him in his carseat to get him to go to sleep, but once he is asleep good he can be moved into his crib. 
He loves to take baths- probably his favorite thing ever! And he makes a HUGE mess and splashes the whole time. 
He love's his dad- he is defiantly his favorite! 
He wears 12 month clothes! and size 3 diapers!!
He hates socks and always kicks them off. 
He is getting pretty good at holding his bottle, but still needs it propped up with something.
He likes to squeal and has a high pitch scream!
When he is tired he rubs his eyes and starts to whine. 
He is heavy, but prefers to be held all day. 

 He is pretty dang sweet and loves to snuggle. He has the biggest brown eyes and they get me to do almost anything! He will bury his head in my neck and give hugs- my favorite. He also loves to pull my hair. I adore this sweet boy, he gives the best giggles and I'm pretty sure I kiss that face a million times a day. 

I love this picture of him asleep in my bed, he sleeps on his side and always covers his face! 

For Mother's day this year I was feeling extra blessed. 
Randall and the kids made that big flower for me, it's adorable, they were all very proud. 
Being a mom to these 4 babes makes me pretty happy, even if they also make me a little crazy!  

Apr 29, 2016

Big Fish!

If you asked what my FAVORITE pastime would be, the answer is hands down fishing. 
I know, it might be, but it's true! I love to fish. When we retire- if that ever happens! I want to fish a.lot! We used to go all the time when it was just Randall and I, he may have won me over when we were dating by taking me fishing. I just love sitting outside in the quiet, anticipating that tug on the line. I also love being by the water, soaking in the fresh air! It's all very therapeutic to me! 
A few weekends ago we loaded up the kids and took a day trip to Howe, to see my Sister-in-laws family, our old dog Cruz, and go fishing. It was fantastic, one of our favorite weekends this year. No cell service, no distractions, just family.  We spend the entire day together talking, laughing, we caught tons of HUGE fish, and just enjoyed the windy Idaho weather. 
The first line I tossed in I caught this beauty... 
 ... and it swallowed my hook and died. :(
We don't like to eat or keep the fish, so we just toss them back in. (Unless they die, then we give them to the dog!) 
As soon as we got there Paige caught the first fish and never stopped! Reese and Addison probably caught the biggest, they were all SO big! 
Randall & Richard didn't mean to dress a like- but they always do! They spent the day running back and forth helping the kids (and Nancy and I)  get the fish off the lines! 
They never stopped running!! 
This is Mason bringing in a BIG one!
 Mack was amazing, he caught so many I couldn't believe it! 
Below, these fish look all the same, but they are actually different catches! (Promise!) 

Mr. Ridge sat in his stroller and watched everyone. He is the sweetest when he is outside. 
Bo, Leighton, and Kellen ran up and down the bank all day! I didn't even get a picture of Leighton! 
Miss Carmen was very persistent! She was the only one who did not catch a fish, but she insisted on doing it herself, with her little pole, and never gave up! I tried really hard to help her catch one with my pole- but she wouldn't have it! She's a little stubborn! 
 Howe is so pretty, its farmland as far as you can see. (Seriously that is it!) We were able to fish on my Brother-In-laws private pond so that is why we caught such big fish. The kids are still talking about it! 

Fishing in Howe spoils us, when we go fishing anywhere else it's never quite as exciting! 
 We look forward to going every year! 
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